The Freak and the Showgirl
A two-handed cabaret show series, which fit in 2 suitcases and toured Fringe Festivals around the world, starred Mat Fraser and Julie Atlas Muz. Always featuring a “cultural homage section” with “costumes” purchased at tourist shops, The Freak and the Showgirl pioneered and honed the anarchic combination of sexuality, disability, feminism, strip tease, freak shows, and full frontal nudity in a true late night punk assault of joyous revelation.

“Gobsmacking scenes of cultural questioning, self-mocking hilarity, and politically pointed nudity. Funny, human, and truly erotic, in a way the purveyors of mass-produced plastic porn could barely begin to understand.” – The Scotsman
“It’s this element of hypocrisy and offensive condescension that Fraser and Muz cock a snook, and every other body part, at in their hilariously explicit sketches. There’s nothing sleazy or seedy, instead there’s wholesome rudery that ridicules prissiness, bigotry and stereotyping”
Glasgow Herald
“Both performers ooze charisma and this, together with their openness, wins the audience over with ease. The freak is sexy and the showgirl is outrageously freakish. You cannot help but to love them. You should definitely not miss this show!”
***** Amsterdam Fringe Reviews
“This truly free expression of what excites the human senses would appeal to anyone in touch with their inner freak or stripper. With a soundtrack showing nothing but good taste – littered with The Cramps, Sinatra, Screaming Jay Hawkins and Judas Priest – they lick, tease and horrify, but always with a purpose.”
– Perth Now
“I felt blown apart—eyes agog and split open laughing as they sang, stripped and sight gagged toward an outrageous finale. But what is even more tantalizing about The Freak and the Showgirl is the underlying social commentary on prejudice and Puritanism cleverly delivered in routines that are beautifully ridiculous and irreverent.”
* * * * * Adelaide Fringe Review
“Together, they make a cabaret comedy sideshow striptease spectacular that is sexy, sick, offensive, funny as hell and like nothing you have ever seen.”
– The Australian Stage
“But underneath the nudity and vulgarity, a beautiful message of love and tolerance remains. The Freak and the Showgirl show us that it's OK to be different, make the best of what you've got, love your body and embrace your sexuality.”
– The West Australian